
Reject social media, return to Web 1.0

About Me

Hello, I am Rippertear! I used to run a few different social media accounts, usually under this name, but I didn't like how those sites would work. I don't want ads mixed in with my stuff, nor do I want a notification every time someone "likes" something I've made. I want to just put my stuff out into the world for its own sake, without caring about numbers or engagement. I tried to simply ignore these features, but it didn't work- I would still catch myself checking how many "likes" my posts got, even though I knew it didn't matter. Eventually, I decided to quit social media. Unfortunately, it's hard to get much done in this world without an online presence, and during a global pandemic, it's not like I want to do too much in-person, either. So, I decided to go on Neocities and make my own website. A website with no ads, and with no "likes" to fret over. Just a place where I can make posts for their own sake, and nothing more. It took me a while to learn HTML and CSS to a point where I'm comfortable making a site at all, and I'm definitely still learning- but I like to learn, and it's certainly more interesting to code my own site from nearly scratch than it is to just plug my pictures and text into someone else's website.